09.00-09.15: Introduction to the Annual Bioengineering Lecture
09.15-10.15:Visual guidance of flight in bees and birds and applications to Aircraft Guidance, Professor Mandyam Srinivasan, University of Queensland
10.15-10.30: Vote of thanks and break, Professor Holger Krapp, Imperial College London
10.30-11.00: Spatial AI for Mobile Robots, Dr Stefan Leutenegger, Imperial College London and The Technical University of Munich
11.00-11.30: Egocentric and allocentric heading representation in the monarch butterfly compass, Dr Basil el Jundi, University of Wuerzburg
11.30-11.40: Q&A/Break, Dr Huai-Ti Lin, Imperial College London
11.40-12.10: Individual and collective sensing in locust swarms, Dr Einat Couzin-Fuchs, University of Konstanz
12.10-12:40: Embodied control of virtual humanoid and animal bodies, Dr Josh Merel, Google Deepmind
12.40-12.50: Q&A/Break, Dr Huai-Ti Lin, Imperial College London
12.50-13.20: Panel discussion on Bioinspired GNC: Smart moves and moving smartly, Dr Huai-Ti Lin, Imperial College London
13.20-13.30: Closing remarks, Professor Simon Schultz, Imperial College London