Navigation & Wayfinding

Navigation and wayfinding (mostly synonymous, although navigation can also refer to small-scale space as on a webpage) are the process by which people, animals and artificial agents plan and execute a journey to a goal. This is a huge research topic with great practical import, as in the design of buildings and cities.

(Colour = RIN members)

Ana Basiri              UCL Bartlett

Ana Basiri UCL Bartlett

Hayley Branston Maynard Design

Hayley Branston Maynard Design

Neil Burgess         UCL ICN

Neil Burgess UCL ICN

Ruth Dalton Lancaster Univ.

Ruth Dalton Lancaster Univ.

Paul Graham University of Sussex

Paul Graham University of Sussex

Michael Hornberger       Univ. East Anglia

Michael Hornberger Univ. East Anglia

Colette Jeffrey Birmingham Cty  Uni.

Colette Jeffrey Birmingham Cty Uni.

Paula Kershaw Maynard Design

Paula Kershaw Maynard Design

Jillian Kowalchuk Safe & the City

Jillian Kowalchuk Safe & the City

Simon Lee Maynard Design

Simon Lee Maynard Design

Nora Newcombe Temple University

Nora Newcombe
Temple University

Jan Wiener Bournemouh Univ.

Jan Wiener Bournemouh Univ.